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Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Materi Account Palnning PR I

Scope and Definition of PR

Yuli Yulfinarsyah

Quick Review

• Promotions Aspect of the Marketing 4Ps
– Advertising
– Public Relations
– Personal Selling
– Sales Promotion

What is Public Relations?

• Public Relations is about reputation – a result of
– What you do
– What you say
– What others say about you
• A discipline which looks after reputation with the aim of earning understanding and support, influencing opinion and behavior
• Involves responsibility and responsiveness in policy and information to the best interest of the organization and its publics

A Variety of Definitions
Public Relations is a process
It includes:
• Research and analysis
• Policy Formation
• Programming
• Communication
• Feedback from numerous publics
• “Public relations is the management function that identifies, establishes,
• and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics on whom its success or failure depends.”

Key Words In Defining PR
• Deliberate
• Planned
• Performance
• Public Interest
• Two way communication
• Management function

Public Relations as a process

• A series of actions, changes, or functions that brings about a result

Other terms for PR
• Corporate Communications
• Public Affairs
• Communication
• Corporate Relations
• Corporate Public Affairs
• Public Information
• Publicist
• Press Agent

Careers in PR

• Job-rich areas:
– Pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry
– Financial services
– Media companies
– Health care
– Security segments of technology companies
– Crisis Communications-expanding

The Range of PR Work
• Corporations
• Nonprofit organizations
• Entertainment, Sports
• Government and Politics
• Education
• International Public Relations

Five Essential Abilities
• Writing Skill
• Research Ability
• Planning Expertise
• Problem Solving Ability
• Business/economics competence

10 Qualities Employers Want

1. Good writing
2. Intelligence
3. Cultural Literacy
4. Know a good story when you see one
5. Media Savvy
6. Contacts or network
7. Good business sense
8. Broad communications experience
9. Specialized experience
10. Avoid career clichés

Source: Public Relations Strategies and Tactics (Wilcox & Cameron)